Haven't made it past Unova, so this is it for me. Turns out I don't have a Chandelure or a Whimsicott that isn't in my Best Bros box.
>>54049139Had a living dex in National Pokedex order once, and it was too much of a pain in the ass whenever I would inevitably realize I missed one and had to go back and rearrange everything. All I care about now is that evolutionary lines are grouped together on the same line.
>>54049079Admittedly none. I still like having mons from lots of different sources if everything else is equal. Like, I'm not any more affectionate for the Japanese Caterpie than I would be for the fifty other unevolved Caterpie I've caught over the years, but at least I can see it and say, "Huh. This one's Japanese. Wonder when I got that?"
>>54049185Any time I think about keeping multiple forms of the same Pokemon, I remember that Furfrou and Vivillion exist and hard confirm that I don't care about form differences.