Gathered friends, listen again to our legend of the Showderp. In the time before time; the Great Champ descended from the heavens carrying we, the ones called the champlings, to this showdown. We were separate and without purpose. So the Great Champ illuminated us with the two commands; New Team, and New Champ. We embraced these gifts, and in gratitude we named our thread Showderp, after the Great Champ himself. But our happiness was not to last, for Champ’s suggestion, Specs Weedle, was jealous of these honors and betrayed him. Casting a spell over Champ, he had to ask for six new Toa. The champlings were free to unleash their suggestions, and unleash them they did…
>The>Great Kanohi>Matoran>Current Champ:Carrotfoot !L9qZJ..U7I