>>21747773I am writing to you anonymously because I couldn't give a damn about dox'm'a'call-it for my different opinion.
VP/ stop it! Yall sound like a song from the Lion King. I've been examining these boards for 4 days now and all I've been seeing is jackasses talking nonsense and talkin' bout how unjust our got dang videah gaym! You go off talkin about meme in our chatrooms, make asinine suggestions and disagree with just 'bout everthing! What I don't understand is that smogon is essentially the same got dang videah gaym, ya'll just teasing the gorilla in a monkey house!
What I do see is a lot of is jackasses haxing/docking veterans from the megalomart and generally making fun of their appearanceWhat I do see a lot of is anons doxing/hacking veterans from the forums and generally making fun of their what-they-looks-likes. The threads are littered with comments claiming they're attention jackasses that ruin the got dang videah gaym, but I have never seen them post themselves once other than the occasional comment with "k", "gg no re", or some other variant of asinine nonsense. AND THAT JUST TEARS IT I TELL YA HWAT!
Now this is where I lie back in my armchair, stroke Ladyburg on the head and flaunt off my Propane and Propane accessories knowledge. I think, /vp/, that Smogon is merely your charcoal-the chosen substance that you lash your anger upon because you know that it'll never work correctly, and that any charred meat that they make in incompetence can be easily brushed off.
If you'd like to learn more about competitive battling, don't! Nobody likes a know-it-all who sits around talking about their versatility. Now, I think you might like this next tier, X-Megas. I always thought it was some kind of porno, on account of the title, but turns out it's all about one Mega Charizard X who stealth rocks but doesn't double team. Now, that's entertainment!