>>26777050Funny thing is that they're actually opposites in many ways
>Korrina took the 100 victories in a row challenge and won; Iris lost when she was one off>Korrina had Riolu who's been with her ever since she was a kid, while Iris had Drifblim (though probably for not as long, I could be wrong)>in both scenarios, they grew, got stronger and overcame challenges regarding their bonds together, culminating with a new Fighting move learned (Aura Sphere and Focus Blast, respectively)>Korrina managed to become Gym Leader; Iris is still one in-the-making>Korrina mastered Mega Evolutions; Iris still hasn't mastered Dragon Types (even though literal retards like Cameron can train and use a Hydreigon just fine)>Korrina's final fight with Ash was glorious; Iris's final fight with Ash was glorious to watch Dragonite getting put on his place>Korrina and Ash traveled together, but she did not overstood her welcome and left once her arc was finished; >Iris>people can dislike Korrina due to all the Lucario pandering, but that's pretty much her only Pokémon that gives reasons to be disliked (reasons that aren't granted everyone despises Lucario); Iris had a full arsenal of annoying shits, like Axew, Emolga and edgy Dragonite>they look the opposite of each other in nearly every aspect, save the long hair