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Can't wait?
-New Alola form for: Gyarados,Gengar,Rapidash,Zubat,Dodrio,Butterfree,Vileplume, Arcanine,Nidoking/Nidoqueen, Abra, Kangaskan and Dragonite.
-Lunatone and Solrock are linked with Minor (if you know what I mean)
-Final starters have three different evolution with different types, same name and dex. (Like Wormadam) "note. Tora 3"
-Finally Ash (not Red) is in the game, with his greninja
-Different evolution for Rockruff, into Weruff (for each island, fairy, dark, steel, fight) (Like Wormadam, again)
-Ralph is a new Kahuna
-Kalos will be visitable in end game with an old story for Zygrade and "AZ" (like delta episode in oras).
-There are other 4 trial captain: Pablo, Catlin, Hoku, Ed.
-There will be cat that is normal when is captured in the wild but his son will have second type from his father.
-Old characters are in the game, Looker, AZ, Cynthia, Ash, Lance, Blue, Bill and Prof. Oak
-Marshadow is a Scorpion dark/poison,his story will be STARTS in "Pink island", Maui.
-New Dolphin pokemon, water,(dolfin) it's a totem/boss pokemon during water trial.
-New Snowman pokemon, ice/gost (snorror)
-There aren't new megas