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I started Pokémon pretty late and got yellow when FRLG came out. A few weeks later i also got Firered and Sapphire and i loved these games.
The hype for Emerald was fucking unreal, and even more so for Diamond and Pearl. The wait was killing me so i decided to get Pearl from the US because i live in Germany and the EU release date was a fucking mess back in the day.
Maybe it was because of this hype, but DP and gen4 in general are my strongest and fondest memories i have of Pokémon.
I barely played the gen5 games for some reason, even if i didn't dislike them. It just wasn't there for me.
Kalos was shit but i played XY way more than all of the gen5 games combined. But that was pre-bank so there's that. Having to start from zero without any possibility to transfer your old Pokémon was kinda cool. After that the hype went down.
tl;dr non-blogpost version
I liked Sinnoh, HGSS Johto and Emerald Hoenn the most because that was the time i was very invested in Pokemon.
Maybe that's the reason so many people like Unova here on /vp/, because they got to be part of the hype and were younger back then.