>Gender (Male or female not any of that Tumblr genderqueer shit)Male
>favorite pokemonLink ->
http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/70/68>mental disorderNone
>political beliefsVote for whoever is less of an asshole in general
>religious beliefsAgnostic
>last pokemon game playedPokemon Black
>Most Autistic pokemon related thing ever doneTraded a shadowless charizard card for a blastoise card when I was a kid.
>Favorite GenFirst
>Favorite Pokemon gamePokemon TCG for the GBA
>Favorite DrinkGreen tea
>Pet PeevePeople that wear fedoras
>Favorite type in pokemonIce
>Favorite PokegirlMisty
>Favorite Villainous teamsOriginal team rocket
>Thing you hate most about /vp/Dont come here enough to hate anything yet
>Thing you hate most about 4chanJust about the same shit over and over again every day.