Little update in my sheet since last time. Gonna first rate the ones I haven't seen before or just don't remember because my memory is shit. Theme song:>>38738955A really interesting team for an officer of the law, though I have no idea what the personal items are supposed to be. Also, great choice in hat.
>>38738049Absolutely cute and comfy, I love the pictures you used for your pokemon.
>>38737738Looks E D G Y as fuck
but deep down I'm still an edgy shit so I actually liked your sheet.>>38734477Your outfit kinda reminds me DP Lucas but with black, white and red instead of blue, red and white.
>>38734479NFE teams are always great to see, looks really cute overall. Was it you who drew the character portrait?
>>38734366Ah... A fellow man of the wilds. Great to see someone else who apreciates hiking/camping with his pokemon. Loved your cloak thing
(I don't know the name) so much I just had to copy it.
>>38733526I'm certain you'd be a blast to travel with.
>>38734677Another traveler, great. It's nice to have people like you to travel along the incredible places the regions have to offer.
>>38734094>>38736530I think I've seen you guys before, don't remember what I said last time but right now I really like your teams. Also, where did you
>>38736530 find the recolored Xtransceiver?