>>44368457Second Lusamine fight!
>ClefableReginella spends the first 6 turns Calm Minding,so I'll just run through what Clefable does.
Turn 1: Cosmic Power, buffing up Defense and Special Defense.
Turn 2: Metronomes becomes Hammer Arm.
Turn 3: Moonblast.
Turn 4: Moonblast, this time causing a Special Attack Drop.
Turn 5: Cosmic Power.
Turn 6: Metronome becomes Glaciate, causing Speed Drop.
Revelation Dance, despite all the buffs doesn't do more than a third of Clefable's Health because of Clefable's natural bulk and the Cosmic Powers, and another Metronome turns into Ice Punch.
Reginella Roosts away the damage, and I luck out as Metronome picks Quiver Dance, as that means Dancer copies it, giving me back the +6 SpA and restoring Reginella's speed to normal.
Revelation Dance meets Moonblast next turn.
At this point, I'm fishing for either a crit or just waiting for Clefable to run out of Moonlight(5 PP).
Another Dance, and Clefable uses Moonlight.
Dance again, Moonblast.
A Revelation Dance Crit finally puts the Clefable down.
>MismagiusLusamine has clearly lost her marbles- I know this thing has Power Gem, I've even given Reginella a Charti Berry for this reason(well, that and Metronome potentially pulling a Rock move out of the hat), but Lusamine has it use Pain Split, which actually heals Reginella, before a Revelation Dance ends it.
>MiloticI'm taken by complete surprise by Lusamine's Milotic outspeeding Reginella(EV Trained Milotic is scary) and blasting her with Hydro Pump, but she lives it and Passes the Baton to Riju.
Milotic misses a Hydro Pump, and Riju oneshots it with Clanging Scales.
>BewearIt falls to Riju's Flamethrower.
>Lilligant It Leech Seeds Riju, but another Flamethrower ends the match.