Ground was the hardest to choose from, I didn't remember I liked so many Ground types
>>36443674obvoius waifufag, but still some other good picks. Especially Fighting as you can see.
>>36443765Nice types, all of them. Pineco is peculiar, great tastes overall except fucking Onix and Seismitoad.
>>36443788Flying is meh as a type in general, moreover only 2/5, everything else is ok or good.
>>36443952Great taste, not perfect but still
>>36443955>>36444008Only Burmy is shit, Poison is meh (only Nidos are good and Ariados ok), but the rest is actually good. Barbaracle and Dusclops are awesome choices.
>>36444052Psychic is a rollercoaster ending with a big crash, Normal is neat, the rest is ok on average. Oh, and Sandslash is great, not meh.
>>36444700Your chart is 1 great, 2 ok and 1 bad in everything except for Poison.