Morty defeated pride depleted. My Growlithe was doing great all the way through Morty's gym one shotting any ghost that came near but then when the moment came agaisnt the Gengar he choked I thought he would be able to survive two shadow balls but the second damage roll must have been high or something because it knocked my doggo out. I had to send in the SDIO afterward to paralyze it and bring it down and then finished off the last haunter with a surf from my brick. I chose Diane as my gimmick for this run but she has actually been hitting like a truck with return and the pink bow taking out the kimono girls herself when only at lvl 20. After the loss of Growlithe I went to route 42 and found a Spearow sleeping in a tree so I knocked it out of its slumber and enslaved it to fight for me so now we have Nina ready to go up against chuck in our next challenge. Chuck could go really easy or really bad as Diane and SDIO won't be able to stand up to the brutes Noodle and Nina are gonna have to get some good luck going or i'm in for more losses. At least the last three badges will be easy with Brick once I teach it Ice Punch.
>>35242863>Losing 4 mons before Mortyheh who would do that haha....
>>35242261I definitely plan on using one of them in one of the Johto runs just haven't felt the time was right yet and right now on my team there wouldn't really be a role for them that another mon doesn't already have