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I'll admit that some of my anger is a bit unreasonable given the kind of run we're doing, and maybe I should have decided a better Pokemon to just dump exp into, but I just can't fucking do it anymore. It's not hard in the same way a Kaizoshit mod is trying to be, it's not boring, it's straight up flat out unfun, actually Virtualization-lite tier.
It's one thing to make a good game and then a shit one, maybe you could say it was lightning in a bottle, maybe you could say they just lost their passion, or something, but arguably I think making a shit game and then following it up with an even worse one is far worse, simply because none of the numerous lessons you should have been given were learned and what strengths you might have had were tossed out the window. There wasn't even an attempt to improve on anything from Saiph 1, and as said, this is a game that came out after Unbound or at least passable games like Gaia, I get engine limitations, I'm not expecting something on par with Clover or Odyssey, but you can still design a good FUCKING game with what you have.
I guess the setting and conflict is slightly more interesting, if only because it's an incoherent fuckfest with 'Eclipse Magic' and a fanfiction tier love triangle going on.
The music is a trashfire, the gameplay and combat is a trashfire, the mapping is...I guess the mapping isn't the worst thing we've seen but it's still horrendously fucking bad. The story is clearly trying to be some le serious Unbound/Reborn type thing and fails so fucking badly at it because there's zero proofreading and the dialogue is even worse than Full Moon and Shitstones combined somehow
Everything about this game pisses me the fuck off, and from what I can see of RG's screenshots and from the 'reviews' and playthroughs I saw out of morbid curiosity on reddit or elsewhere, it just gets even worse.