We've arrived at the League! Very little trouble along the way, i even got to use everyone in the last rival battle, which rarely ever happens for me. Now all that's left is grinding everyone up to Lance's ace, something i'm very familier with thanks to my multiple HG runs.
>The routes leading to the League were childs play compared to earlier challenges as the party cleared out Rocket stragglers before they traveled through Victory Road. The peaceful stroll was broken by the arrival of Boba, Alan's self peoclaimed rival, and a battle quickly broke out. Each member of the group quickly proved superior against their opponent, and Boba revealed a terrible truth out of frustration: he too was a clone, of Giovanni's real son. Accepting of his defeat, with a few words from Alan as well, Boba decided to set out and find his progenitor once Team Rocket was stopped, and wished the party luck in his own way. All that was left for them was to train for the looming final battle...>>53300847I think that's the furthest i've seen and Audino go. Rip.