'm honestly just doing these posts for myself at this point cause I have a shit memory.
The short of it for those that won't read, bug gym was easy, Laine is going into the box so I can have sucker punch for the ghost gym.
Also I feel like I've gotten way too many encounters at this point, I'll have to see how the next couple gyms go cause the difficulty has some massive spikes, but I remember struggling even at this point, at so far it's gone pretty fine, so I might have to impose an encounter cap.
>>43522700that's what my box was looking like for Sacred Gold, I'm sorry man, do you have nothing in your live box?
>>43522868wedlockes are balls man, if you just aren't enjoying it, you don't have to prove anything, quit whenever you want
>>43521943first nuzlocke ever? good luck!
>>43521819games gen 6 and up always felt slow to me so I've only nuzlocked one, but Howls's recommendations pretty spot on, USUM is generally the most popular one from what I've seen.
>>43523197I'm a big fan of the descriptions, kick the league's ass, watch out for Will's team if you haven't already started.