Quoted By:
>Rotom's file on documented info on the Ultra Beasts
>The Ultra Beasts have lost their way into our world from the world beyond the Ultra Holes. I've researched the four that have appeared so far!
>The Ultra Guardians: A team that carries out missions with the purpose of sending Ultra Beasts back to the worlds they came from!
>It was buried in the ground in the ancient past and discovered by pure chance! The Guardians dug it out and it flew high into the sky!
>Blurb: Incredibly enough, it had been sleeping there in the ground for over 200 years!
>Satoshi and the others sped to the place where it was going on a rampage after being startled by what people and Pokémon looked like! Both sides were eventually able to understand the other wasn't there to battle them.
>Blurb: It had enough strength to even handle being surrounded by these Kairiky!
>A show-off of an Ultra Beast that showed up at a fireworks display and started putting on a fireworks performance.
>Top blurb: The round, head-like portion of its body can float and explode! The impact is tremendous!
>Bottom blurb: It startles those that see it and absorbs their energy.
>It appeared when Zugadoon was causing explosions. It and Zugadoon dueled each other with flashy performances.
>Top blurb: It appeared at a power plant, where it turned the electricity it absorbed into energy.
>Bottom blurb: It countered Zugadoon's fireworks with electric discharges!
>Tundetunde will soon appear as well!
>The Ultra Beasts appear suddenly, and it's impossible to predict what they'll do. What's going to happen next time?!
>"Leap 'n' Climb: Tundetunde!" is planned to air August 9th!
All was posted last thread, anon.