>>41961489Possibly. I'm not above the idea of scraping the model and starting over. However what you describe is literally the process of how I made the model. Kris is there because that is the first step of the process of making the model. Also as a placeholder to test if voxel 2d sprites work well in the game world so I could be a lazy fuck and skip modeling them entirely. Sadly it actually looks pretty terrible.
Hand draw the sprite in the middle of the grid, extrude it outward, shave off bits to line it up with the side sprite, adjust details that no longer work due to the removal of the outline, or dont fit the voxel style (legs have to basically be made entirely from scratch, hairline needs to be brought forward to look more realistic, lips removed because dear GOD do they look bad in 3d), and finally change the details that are too hard to see what they are at isometric angels, like the backpack.
His hat looks like that because it's literally how it looks in his sprite. However, it looks much smaller without the outline, and so I might need to adjust it more. However the last time I tried to do that, it looked way too overpowering on the model and took up to much space. Due to the limited real estate I'm working with, even a single pixel is a 50% increase in size, and makes the model feel very off balanced, which will look bad when centered on the grid in world.
I may have to scrap the gen 2 aesthetic entirely, and start copying over gen 3 graphics, but I'm just so sick of them because every romhack and fangame is a gen 3 base already.