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I have been trying out a Gardevoir EX deck since you get most of it free from the battlepass but I have I hard time playing it because whenever the niglet ape that I play against takes 10 plus minutes to take their turn I start to think about how the deck would look in a pokemon battle. I just can't help but imagine that there is some abnormally large alpha gardevoir that picks up the smaller non ex gardevoirs and forces them into a deep kiss. A real psychic embrace. They try to resist and that's what hurts them. So they come out this mind broken thrall just barely hanging on to consciousness and they one shot the enemy mon or whatever. Its even hotter if you run emergency jelly because they get brought to the brink of unconsciousness, their mind totally overwhelmed by the new psychic powers forced on them and they get coated in a green jelly returns total clarity. Their body would be glistening in the light while they are disheveled. Its so hot I can't help myself when I play I start rubbing my cock while I play and set up my gardys. The best part is, that if you have multiple gardys on the bench they know that its gonna happen to them too. Fuck...