Took Discard and Blackjack to team Rocket HQ and spent the day grinding them up. Pretty happy with the team rn, though I did realise half way through the grinding that I Archer's houndoom can really fuck me up if I don't keep Flush safe in the next two gym battles. Don't expect much trouble, but I'll stay on guard this time.
>>44939591Yeah, I got Magnemite in. Thinking about wether or not to trade him to DP to evolve him before or after the E4.
>>44940605Oof. You've got a great pick of boxed pokémon in general. The team is looking cool too.
>>44945828Shame about Armstrong, I really love Crabrawler. Lanturn is a solid pick though. I really hope to see Shenandoah make it to the end so he can avenge the other Drifblim.