Quoted By:
>Pokemon which faint are dead.
>All caught pokemon must be given a unique name.
>You can only own six pokemon at any time.
>If you have below six pokemon, the first pokemon you encounter must be caught, excluding duplicates.
>If you fail to catch it, you must throw away a ball.
>You are only allowed to buy 1 ball each time you defeat a gym, all others must be found.
>Gyms cannot be left without gaining a new badge, once entered.
>Victory Road must be completed in one go.
Last time, Gavin carried the team (Tony Blair) until the point of evolution. Tony Blair then proved himself to be a beast in battle. Grayscale became MVP for having Dig, move of the year, all years. Bubbles was caught just before we finished.
Hopefully, I will make less mistakes than last time (18).
So, we have two empty slots, 3 pokeballs, an unclaimed Eevee, and many routes to choose from in search of new pokemon.
Where should I start looking?