Azumarill's in a decent spot right now, they just need to do a bit more with Play Rough. As is, you only use it with Aqua Tail for the speed boost and it's actively detrimental to use with Whirlpool. I'll just repeat what I suggested last thread: if Play Rough is picked, Whirlpool will condense in on Azumarill and Aqua Tail will have it's tipper and base hitbox strengths swapped.
>>51082999You have to be somewhat maladjusted to even entertain coming to this board in the first place, and double that if you're gonna be partaking in a regular general. Most of the people shitting up these threads with gayposting and ERP would be figurative faggots in day to day life anyways, being literal faggots only compounds on that to make them the pathetically horny attention seeking degenerates they are.
Best just hope that mods get off of their asses for once and do something among all the reports, but if they don't, just try your best to ignore them and hope they keep it to either their shitty squad's ingame chat or the Discord they almost certainly use but will deny having to get their kicks off and maybe groom a minor or two.