Serena doesn't even have to think twice about that one.
"A Bergmite. Short, uninteresting, and always so cold."
"Huuuuuuuuuuuuuh?~ What'sa Burgmyte?~"
"A Pokemon. They're essentially walking, talking iceberg tips. We'll no doubt be coming across a few in the coming days, as they tend to spend the majority of their lifepsan by making a living out of a menial tasks in the caverns over yonder. Not that I'm particularly fond or interested in meeting them, I don't want to get frostbite. Bergmite tend to spread that."
Cue another bugging mind-boggler from Alice. The little loli scoots closer to her mum-mum and gives her cheek an adorable poke, "Soooooooo,~ if poppy 'wassa really hot-hot-hot Burgmyte, wouldja still hate 'im, or wouldja liiiiike 'im?~"
A) "I'd rather not answer that.."
B) "... In what context are you using the word 'hot'?"
C) "Who said that I hated him?"
D) "There's not much to like in such a headstrong protagonist, I'll tell you that much."
E) "Where is all this coming from? Why are you so interested in this kind of stuff?"