>>46053601>FIf you sneak into the cafe, you'll find a Flare grunt, you ask him if you can join and he'll ask for $1.000.000, he'll reject you when he notices that you have no money. You go outside and you met that inmate of the beggining, he is in a hurry and gives you something that he ask you give him back later, its a $1.000.000, he leaves running and a cop goes running after him. You go back inside and now you can enter to Team Flare (If you dont go with the Flare grunt, the cop catch you outside the cafe).
Once in Flare territory you put on your fabulous crimson uniform, you sign a contract with Lysandre and then you choose your first pokemon:
Now your goal its to become an admin. To do so, you have to complete all the missions as a Flare grunt.
The Flare territory was once full of polluting factories. Lysandre with a (flower shaped) satellite cannon (build by his loyal scientists in his absense) blewed up all those factories along all the people and pokemon there. All the destroyed places has a beautiful monument to the fallen pokemon and the fallen humans has nameless ugly rustic tombstones. The Flare territory its divided in three beautiful sections:
-The geothermic energy plant
-The solar energy plant
-Lysandre's Palace