>>53442745I called it 2 years ago. I told /vp/ they would try this because I understood the greedy potential that combining these 2 things can create.
Dumb /vp/ as usual was in denial and told me it would be impossible. People here did not see the relation, nor the potential.
Both things, the Pokémon franchise and NFT, are artificial scarcity systems. They both offer you digital value in the shape of collectables and artificial rarity, both designed for a trading market environment. They are both also driven by people with a lot of money who have no shame in finding more ways to make their money grow.
Even if NFT have failed until now, that means nothing. It just needs one killer app to become popular. A Pokémon license can take that place easily because it has armies of drone consumers who will try it for brand alone. Pokémon not only is very compatible with NFT, it can be the pivotal element that consolidates NFTs in society as a whole.