>>50466767> it just becomes your opinion and not a flaw that makes the game shitthern the same could be said about 75% of your arguments
>>1/3 making it the mostis this the power of the american education system?
If you wanna finally come to terms with the fact that you're a retard, I took the liberty of doing the math for you and proving that, indeed, 1/3 frequency does in fact mean Unova is the most represented.
I can't believe I have to explain 5th grade math to you but I guess this is /vp/ so it shouldn't be surprising
> Quoting (You),congratulations, you've figured out my point of exposing you as a hypocrite. Yes, it doesn't mean shit that an argument is subjective, so why do you keep pointing out MY subjectivity while continuously ignoring yours?
> No materials are for craftingyou can also get them much more easily without the terrible sidequests. Good sidequests have rewards you can't get otherwise.
> Horrible allegory why subject yourself to something you dont likeyou're deflecting.
> Not a valid pointrepeating the things I say to you doesn't make you look smarter.
> Quotes me againSo you agree that you should stop complaining about my arguments being subjective while continuously pegging your opinion as if it was fact?