>>32710678>complete Emerald's pokedex in the hospital>get my favorite Gen 2 starter, Cyndaquil>eventually train him up and win the Battle Tower with him, Starmie, and Dragonite>hatch a new one with Modest nature after learning about IV's>send him that baby all the way throuh to OR and train him up to compete in the MaisonLike father, like son.
As for medals, I have most of my favorites still in Platinum (Electivire, Porygon Z, Gengar, Gyarados, Garchomp, and Magmortar are a few of mine with 10+ ribbons) and BW2. I don't like the idea of transferring everyone forward, I like to have a few favorites in Gen 3, 4, and 5 who I can use for taking on post game facilities when the mood for a replay hits me.
Pic semi-related, I hatched a shiny Larvesta for a friend in Gen 5, and he still uses it in Gen 7.