>>19740912>filled with tumblr tier liberalness and a fuck ton of SomalisIf I go through with it, the evil team would be called "Team Equality." They'd be trying to pull a Team Plasma,getting everyone to give up their Pokemon, because it's "not fair" that some people get lucky and find good Pokemon, while others don't. Their final goal, of course, would be to create a socialist utopia with no inequality whatsoever. Then, because they're the only ones with good Pokemon, they'd rule with an iron fist.
They'd have a set of five or six "approved" "equal" Pokemon with 80 stats down the board. In order to achieve their goal, they'd create a time machine powered by a Celebi, and go and change history. So you'd have to do the same using that Celebi's "twin" (get it?) to go back in time and stop them, only to chase them into a future dystopia (a completely transformed Minneapolis) and have a showdown with the leader.
It's a work in progress.