>>47380941I'd have to go in depth, but notice that I still won by having level 22-24 mons except my Cyndaquil against his full team of lvl 25 mons (and lvl 27 Leavanny). It's hard but not impossible with status moves. The only grinding was ditching my plant/bug mons to train different types since flying moves kill them.
Judge the fight yourself, it was just a matter of overcoming
>Vespiqueen who will use Defense Order to raise Def and special Def, or Air Slash to possibly kill you with a crit. Also Roost to heal in a pinch AND leftovers. Biggest boss, you gotta disable her somehow. That's the main wall. Then comes
>Masquerain with bubble beam to fuck your fire mons. Also Agility to improve Evasiveness. Use a neutral mon here.>Parasect with.. I don't know, I confused it and never got to see its moved.>Leavanny with life orb and Shadow Claw (crits a lot) and Leaf Blade. Is level 27 and has improved base stats so you gotta get creative to stop it, in my case sending Raticate that is unaffected by Ghost claw then switching to Intimidate Arbok to tank the Leaf Blade. In other matches killed it in different ways.>Scyther with Flying Gem and Wing Attack to fuck your first mon. Quick Attack and X-Scissor too.Overall a good ass battle. And the AI changes Pokémon differently depending on what you do. The 2nd gym also has a Koffing with Fire-gem boosted incinerate in case you brought a Steel or Bug type mon to resist the poison, it's the little things.