>>19185045You find yourself back at the First-Rodent base. The Golden Apricorn has been transported to another location in the base. Now, you are tasked to do something to help out the faction.
To recap, the Electric rodents, Rattatas, Patrats, and Zigzagoons are all ded. Now it's just a matter of slowly taking down the faction, and defeating the Birds. The Birds are sure to attack the faction soon, once they find out about the demise of the Electric rodents. The First-Route rodents will be easier opponents for them to defeat, with their ability of flight, and the lack of super-effective threat. You look around to find something to do.
>What do you do?A) Poke around in the tents.
B) Plot an attack against the Birds with the leaders.
C) Try to find the Apricorn
D) Casual chit-chat with Betty