>>28690086>What year did you start and finish BW?Haven't played them yet :( I was still a lot into HGSS at the time.
>What year did you start and finish BW2?2012, on release, I hyped a lot when I heard about the PWT, and Red being in it (overrated? yes...but till cool as fuck at the time)
>Which one did you finish first?Black 2
>What was the last mainline game you finished before playing one of the two games?Heart Gold
>Which mainline region have you not fully experience prior to playing BW and BW2, if any? (Not counting games that came out after them)I skipped Hoenn entirely
>What is your favorite mainline title?Objectively B2, but Gold version rivals it for nostalgia reasons.
>What do you think about BW?Great reboot, if you are willing to be open minded about designs.
>What do you think about BW2?Best game of the franchise yet. sadly it doesn't have wifi connectivity anymore, but maybe Sun/moon will finally rival it's place as the toppest of tiers in pokemon games (looks very promising so far!)