>>55126772I want to be killed by him and consumed by him if it means giving him some kind of pleasure or relief, do you really think I don't want anything good to happen to him? Do you think I agree with how he was treated in the game? In case you still don't get it, I agree the universe itself constantly fucks him over and treats him unfairly, his hard work and effort go completely unrewarded. I wish the story ended differently.
I accept and love every character trait that Kieran has, not only his negative ones. I have fluffy fantasies about him too as well as twisted ones. He's still a fictional character so there's no harm in having those. Now can you say that you love his character if you reject his negative qualities?
>>55126786But also what this anon said, it's just fetishes and stuff, you don't need to overthink and get all philosophical about it.