>>43570135>>43570865Had me a run-in with one of these shitheads
>walking my Pyukumuku>and by walking I mean I walk while it stays atop my head>Get called to by some stupid kid, dressed up in the most OC donutsteel getup ever, clutching a premier ball>fucking pokemart club rewards>his mom (in a fucking pantsuit and heels, in the goddamn wilderness no less) is filming on her phone>kid insists that I battle him>decline, saying all I have is Pyukumuku on me>"What, too chicken you'll get outed as a bad trainer?">Fine>Kid sends out an Electivire>chickenshitneedsatypeadvantagetobeatmyliteralseacucumber.porygon>Battle Begin>Toxic, protect, recover, counter>Boils down to Pyukumuku switching between the last 3 moves while his Electivire keeps thunder-punching the shit out of him>Kid, Electivire, and Mom grows more and more panicked>Pyukumuku is still standing(?) when Electivire succumbs to the poison and faints>ohshitivedoneitnow.porygon2>Kid looks absolutely distraught, recalls Electivire while trying not to cry>Mom gets in my face for "cheating" and "fighting dirty" while filming me with her overpriced Silph phone>Even goes as far as to claim I challenged THEM>Demands to see my trainer card>Say no>She tries getting physical>Pyukumuku gets in the way of a bitchslap and uses Counter on her>Grab Pyukumuku and bail while she's reeling from the hit>mfw