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ITT: Pokemon not given enough credit in your opinion.
Pic very much related. Miltank has these things going for her:
- Great HP and Def, making her a nice physical tank.
- Decent Atk, meaning she can do some good damage with Body Slam, Return, or EQ.
- Unexpected speed, keeping her in step with Pokemon most would think are faster, like Flygon, Dodrio, Fearow and she's even faster than some OU mainstays like Haxorus, Hydreigon, Lucario etc.
- Great support move pool (Discreet Boulders, TWave, Milk Drink, Heal Bell)
- Scrappy, so she can even Body Slam the ever living shit out of Gengar and his smug posse.
I'm telling you, /vp/, this rape train has no breaks, go and catch yourself a Miltank in X or Y and proceed to shit all over anything that's not a fighting type.