Pokemon Clover General: Bump Limit Edition
>A full-scaled adventure between two fully featured lizards>Resident Evil 4 like reptiles>386 scalies designed by /vp/>Completely custom mating calls>Gen 7/8 standard territorial dispute engine>The Wost Game GoldenYoshistar1 has ever streamed>Content comparable to super smash brothers ultimate except with more big fat lizards you can use>Competitive-grade battle AI that doms>Difficulty for veteran reptile breeders>Custom enclosure backgrounds>Custom feeding mechanics>GSC-style feeder mice>Wonder scaling>Broken lightbulbs>Custom portraits of Leon>New custom Poké Balls>Terry Davis>Black/White 2 repel system and item usage>Hidden Grottos and Phenomena>Reusable TMs and deletable HMs>A lack of reptile jokes in 5 whole lines>And a grand world rich with sidequests and secrets!On the last episode of PoClo:
>>44614962Links to the game download and soundtrack:
https://www.poclo.nethttps://www.youtube.com/user/Squeetzablehttps://soundcloud.com/pok-mon-clover [Embed]
https://soundcloud.com/pokemoncloveraaaa [Embed]
https://soundcloud.com/dimbus-maximus [Embed]
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