"fuck it we hit bump so im just rolling with the new hardraids" edition
"also we do more than just raiding now" edition
Old bread:
>>52601243Welcome to the 6-Star Raiding/Co-Op Thread
Use this thread to discuss raiding, organise raids, and any other co-op shiny hunting or sandwich stuff you want.
>How do I make a raidcat?Check infographs
>What other mons are good?Check infographs
How do I beat [Pokemon]?
Check infographs
>I think that [Pokemon] is really viable for 6-star raidingThat's great. Most fully evolved non-shitter mons have at least some degree of viability; the ones recommended here are recommended because they're the best at what they do/ /RCG? is full of lazy and illiterate people who want to build as few mons to cover as much situations as possible. This doesn't mean we don't believe your Sawsbuck is fucking up those raids
>[Question not listed here]Just check the fucking inforgraphs
For other viable meta strategies and mons, Ctrl+F OTHERMONS
For exactly how to build a raidcat, Ctrl+F BUILDGUIDE
For specific strategies, including the name of a mon you're struggling with, Ctrl+F HARDRAIDS