>>55130756At least pogo is the only real pokemon game
>>55131045Not your fault the game has shit design and normal types don't have a reason to exist outside of GBL
>>55131097Looks like iPogo to me
>>55131077Congrats, anon. Remember that a shiny Kyurem is essentially 3 in one, since the shiny status is taken from Kyurem but not Reshimom or Zekrom
>>55132659It's by design. I can guarantee they do it on purpose. That's why the sooner you stop caring about the carrot on the stick the better. The carrot being stardust, exp, candies, XL and other shit made up by niantic for you to chase, forever
Remember, no shortcuts to your goals. Head of pogo says so.
>>55133003It's not one guy who shits all over the dogshit GBL, but the dude above seems a little unhinged with his reply to a... fucking shiny refrigerator