>>53504302the logic I used for dark type for the regional/mega is because it becomes bratty/smug/obsessed with vanity/opulence much like a typical ojou-sama, though it isn't outright evil just misguided and can be kind to those who complement/spoil it but will be fierce to anything that'd bring harm to anything it cherished be it trainer, pokemon or treasured item, it's also known to used honied words and baby doll eyes to get what it wants which is mostly sweets and attention, while the normal final evo will be timid and shy when it receives such things despite secretly enjoying it and being more humble about it.
normal final evo:
>oh I couldn't possibly accept such a gift such as thatvariant finale evo:
>fufufu this will look good in my collection you did good work but I desire moreI'll work on the male forms soon, I even got a good name for it's first evo picked out already "squirell"