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Have a story, Pokemon TCG.
>Walk into comic shop that sells comics as well as a huge selection of cards and shit
>Ask the lady there about energy cards in case I feel competitive, tells me there's a small box full of them and sorta look around the counter to see what's what
>See the rare cards in a display case and notice all the trainer cards + EX Mega evolution cards
>I bring up how i'd get the Primal Clash package but wouldn't (at the time) because of the price
>She says that she'd get one if it came with Primal Kyogre
>I totally agree with that
>A week or so later, I go with my nana to get the box anyways because fuck me I am on these things like crack
>After going to a few more places I go to her house to open box and see what's inside
>Slowly kinda open all of the booster packs while looking at other stuff in Primal Clash box
>Miraculously find Primal Kyogre EX card but with no base Kyogre
>mfw I got Primal Kyogre EX anyways, along with other few EX cards + foil cards