>>47858887Kotora and Raitora, everyone's favorite tigers! Their chuffs are known to sound like bells, and these tigers are revered as great nature spirits for their perceived ability to grant good luck. I considered making them Electric/Ice, but found a different mon for that role, and Fairy works great for these jingle bell-cats!
Kurstraw and Pangshi that even their stats tell you something is unholy with them. In spaceworld they had an interesting gimmick, that I'm still not sure how to implement. I think ideally Pangshi stops learning moves once it evolves like a stone evo, but one you have to manually prevent from evolving each level. Devil's Due is an ability that is effectively an always-active Destiny Bond, meaning if you want to knock this mon out safely, you'll need to use something like status or weather. Still, I could see this being something that would be banned, but I think the ability would work well for creating a creepy gimmick mon.
Shifur and Burserker, the berserker mons we needed. Shifur are amicable beings that seem to live in tribes, but Burserker live solitarily, and will attack anything in a blizzard that stumbles upon them. Some believe that the Burserkers may protect the Shifur tribes that shun them though? How strange.
I haven't mentioned it before, but the changes I made to Ice in the type match ups are making it resist Water and Flying, and immune to Ice. Makes it better and adds a unique type interaction unseen before (a type immune to itself), but still overall weak defensively. Just not a pure detriment.
Ladybuh may look like Ledyba, but don't be deceived! It's a mimic! They pretend to be Ledyba, then bully those Pokemon to steal their food! But, if a Ledian comes around, they dart away, thats a fight they can't win! These bullies are early game mons that start strong, but really tapper off as the game goes on, fitting for their role. Also a much needed mono-Bug. It's ability is Special-Attack Intimidate.
>>47858937Thank you!