>>53277293For me it was something I did because I realized I could with my current saves. I had just recently finished Colosseum 100% and got Ho Oh for the novelty of doing Mt. Battle, had a finished Fire Red save laying around on my PC, and recently figured out how to inject GBA roms into the 3DS so I had an excuse to replay Leaf Green and Emerald. I was also doing a Gale of Darkness playthrough after playing NeXt Gen so I realized everything was aligning to do it as legit as I could. I just used PKHex to trade everything over since I didn't want to manually trade everything 1 by 1. Didn't take too long and honestly completing the Pokedex is super easy if you go into the game with that idea. Just catch every wild Pokemon you see that you don't own and don't train Pokemon if you know you can catch the evolution later. Making a little list in my end through sheer game knowledge was really fun and rewarding, and honestly I think I'd do it again if they put the games on the Switch