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It's the powercreep getting more and more obvious and things will probably get even worse as time goes on. GF thought that by making all Alolan mons slow and more glass cannon like, they could try to counter the speed creep that's been going on. But then they shot themselves in the foot by making mons like Koko and Pheromosa. In fact, the Speed stats is right now possibly the most important stat, if you can't outspeed you opponents, good luck surviving a nuke to the face.
And speaking of nukes, Z-moves are also a problem. They tried yet again the entire concept of "buffing old mons to make them viable", but this time EVERY pokemon gets to use a Z-move, not just weak mons. And guess what? Just like Mega Evolution, if the Z-move didn't buffed considerably the pokemon like with Porygon Z, already strong pokemon became EVEN MORE dominant. Just look at Volcarona.
Imo, worrying about the Pokemon meta is just a loosing battle at this point, they could've tried in say Gen 4 or 5 when things were still in development, but now it's not worth it anymore. Just pick one of the new mons and roll with it and I speak as a competitive fag as well.
Cute Mawile because I don't know what image to use.