>>57389543Pretty interesting team so far. Zany is an insane pokemon this early, I was lucky my other Granite Cave encounters were champions. Still gonna try to bring Darkness all the way, as I adore that line. The tricky part is that I don't really have any good pokemon (and route 117 won't change that) for Wattson except if I evolved Shuffle. However, I'm not sure if a non-Spore Breloom would be enough (even with XD and the New Mauville encounter) for Wallace. Would you evolve now and get Mach Punch for the Magneton or wait for Sleep+Leech Seed tech at the E4?
>>57412993Congratulations! Nice seeing OOF pulled through to the end. I've mainly played hacks of gsc/frlg/rse so I'm fairly used to the E4 there, but Sinnoh's sounds terrifying if even a Palkia gets killed that fast.
>>57412672I've nuzlocked it a few times and never got much past Totem Togedemaru (Bastiodon is actually pretty good this game). Very very scary game, especially in the early part. 100% reccomend.