>>56416756It's become impossible for me to even consider playing singles on smogon by this point ,especially gen 9 OU or even UU, there's no thought or testing or care put into these decisions most of the time and often they just take the most kneejerky routes for things, Goldengo is still legal despite being a giant overcentralized piece of shit that makes dealing with hazards impossible and forces you to put HDB on everything, Kingambit was a mistake, Iron Valiant is so incredibly fucking retarded to deal with due to how absurdly unpredictable it is. I'm glad Gouging Fire got banned, it was stupid, but it often feels they only ban outliers instead of general problems that got banked into the very foundation of the generation and are part of the reason things are so shit, but I don't expect things to get better so long as (((Finch))) remains in power, people often complain about too many bans and I don't disagree entirely but I think the problem is that they ban the wrong things, barely anyone wanted sleep banned, Archaludon was strong but far from overwhelming outside of rain, a weather style that has been broken forever and several mons got banned due to a single move like Espathra, Houndstone and Anihilape, bans are handled like shit.