>>20026856"Pheeeeeeeewwww!...Haaah....haaah... I think I lost him... God, Serena's panties are so tight, I can't run right... M-Maybe it's just 'cause I'm not adjusted to them yet..."
Convinced that you've finally gotten away from your dirty, dirty, dirty body, you let out a large sigh of relief. You lean against the wall, straighten out the creases in your skirt, and skid towards the ground.
That's when you hear the click of a switchblade. Your eyes widen.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nffodUg3RZA"Ayyyyyyyyy, holmes... 'Member us?"
>'Oh. OH. AWHHHHHHH SHIT.'"Yeeeeaaaah beetch. We were 'juz watchin' da World Cup holmes, but 'den we 'herd 'de voice of sex eetself, so we hadda go checkitt out. SUPER JACKPOT IF YOU ASK ME, HOLMES."
The three Combuskens from yesterday: Horchata and his minions, Tamarindo and Jamaica, step out of the darkness of the alley. It appears as if you've stepped onto their turf, and it also seems like they recognize Serena's face from Costco. Not good. Not good. Not good.
Of course his lackeys get a hold of you, you scream but no one comes to your aid, "Try'na defen' yo pimp, huh holmes? Wha? He too puss-puss COM and fight here, huh ese? I keeeeel you 'jus for try'na pullo 'dat shit, maybe rape you too. I meen...YOU'S FUCKING SEXY GAL, KNO'WHADDA I SAY ESE?"
A) Tell him you're a guy! Tell him you're a guy!
B) Struggle like a pitiful damsel.
C) Tell him that horchatas are a shit.
D) Be raped.