as necrozma's second biggest fag, i'm always down for a necrozma thread.
>>33745191i think there's something to those flowers. this image features necrozma and flowers, and pic related also features necrozma and flowers.
i wonder if those flowers - or rather the light they give off - is what keeps necrozma peaceful. or at least, fed. maybe the ultra recon guys or whoever they work for took necrozma out of its original habitat and suffered the consequences, kind of like how the ubs wreaked some havoc on alola when they were taken out of their habitats.
>>33745600personally i'm thinking the latter. i really don't think necrozma is evil. maybe being vicious and eating light is just what necrozma does. kind of like guzzlord - it doesn't seem to eat buildings and mountains to harm people, but simply because that's what guzzlords are like. incompatible with our world. though i get the feeling necrozma is one of a kind. maybe guzzlord too.