My teams going well going to go fight Clay with them probably. He's ground type so hopefully Cid and Tort will beat everything don't have anyone else that can do it at the right level. Might level the deer and tadpole dunno last gym was a surprise pain in the dick. Got a lot in the box now. No idea if they're good. Should probably switch out Chinch for someone, but it's very cute. Daka is kind of annoying misses a lot but hits like a truck.
>>46198400Nice team. Pollywratch is my favorite water type from gen 1. I did a run where Nidoran was my starter very useful. Always nice to catch one. Good job Misty has wiped me a few times.
>>46196591Rock isn't immune to electric and power gem wouldn't one shot them. Honestly those electric squirrels are still a pain to fight.
>>46196422Pretty funny. Looks like Donald Duck in the second panel.
>>46190283Is it really the worst? I didn't look up what they were. Turtles are cool though, so I don't regret it.