Beat Lt. Surge! That fight was a bit scary, since Olivares (our new Diglett teammate) got taken to 50% HP and got paralyzed too, and I had to swap in Agustina. She too got taken to half health and got paralyzed, but she got a massive crit off on Surge's Raichu and took it out, clutching the gym battle.
>>46434818Good looking team so far. I'm also playing FRLG before Emerald for the reason you said.
>>46433551>>46429382Wartortle, Butterfree, and Nidorina, that's a pretty great start. Congrats on the Ruby win! Insanely cool finishing team there.
>>46429206Never seen anyone go through the games like this before, a very cool idea Anon! Looking forward to seeing your progress. Takashi and Yuka seem like the coolest.