>>36592694I'm on a laptop without a mouse so this is the best I can do to critique the map. Apologies.
Without seeing object placements the map looks boring. But with enough stuff going on, it works well for a 2nd gen map. Whatever map size you decide to go with, it should remain consistent to meet the expectation of the player. I think adding new tiles where possible creates more intrigue in 2nd gen hacks.
I added some placements that felt logical to me. Red dots are trainers, red cross is a big event, could be rival or just a helpful meeting. Golden cross is apricot tree, fat helpful dude or treasure (the Swim section). Blue guys are fishers. It's a functional map. Before release I think the right corner is gonna change. Having a plain grass and wild grass road lead to a new route might create a problem where you're forced to create a second map that looks too similar to this.
Keep up the good work anon, your map does look like worth using if you place NPCs and other incentives properly in them.
>>36593146The image name says route 1 anon. But I agree. It does look early game, but more like route 2 or 3. Your other criticisms are legitimate too.
The amount of grass depends on if the map maker intends to touch the wild encounter density. If I were to hack, I'd reduce it, because I like taking at least 10 steps before getting harassed by a second Zubat.
And yeah, if you just add enough stuff to do on a route, even big/open map designs can be fine. Again pic related.