>>51500705>TyranitarShould be Karen's ace
>SteelixOkay...I get why you WANT that, but Steelix would need to be Steel/Dragon for that to make sense. That could work, but then Jasmine would filter the game's entire intended audience before even seeing the final (or halfway point depending on who you ask) battle.
Instead, the ideal team would be:
> Gyarados> Kingdra> Ampharos> Dragonair> Dragonite> AerodactylPretty much his Kanto team plus Kingdra. I know it's Clair's ace, but we're limited on Dragon Types here. I dropped one of the Dragonairs for Ampharos, which becomes Dragon via its Mega IIRC.
For HG/SS they should have thrown the Regional Dex out the window and given him:
> Dragonite> Shelgon (Salamence is too strong imo)> Altaria> Flygon> Kingdra> Aerodactyl (I am NOT willing to give this team a Garchomp until the rematches)>>51500711Larvitar should have been in Dark Cave the same way Bagon was in Meteor Falls. One room that needs Waterfall to access. Cope.
>>51502165Or Victory Road, Victory Road works too.