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I don't know when it happened, but i realized I fell in love with her when I beat SM for the first time I genuinely felt a loss after she left. It was odd, I've been sad or bummed about characters leaving or dieing, but I've never felt an actual empty feeling as I did when I watched Lillie sail away, not able to dive into the ocean and swim after her, so at least if it can't work between us because she's going to Kanto, at least I wouldn't have lost my chance to confess to her. I fear the day I become like preciousleaf. Since Lillie is superior to Leaf, it might not be long. I feel /vp/ is accelerating this. I know I shouldn't compete with others who love Lillie, it's not what she would want, but I take it as a challenge when someone says they love her more than I do.