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hey 4chan, my name is erik and i work in the translation department for the new Pokemon X + Y games that are releasing this fall. as the game has a simultaneous release date for all regions, us translators work very closely with the actual development team in order to get our translations finished as quickly and efficiently as possible in time for release. now i'm sure you're all thinking the same thing: "this dude's got some info!" well yes, i do have some pretty nifty things to share with you and the rest of the pokemon community regarding the new X + Y games.
why am i sharing this info with you? well, pokemon X + Y actually finished production last week (hooray! lol). as the more legal-savvy of you may know, that indicates that the contract i had signed with NOA (nintendo of america) has ended and i am no longer legally bound to them and their terms. this means that any and all information i release to the public is no longer considered a federal offence, and there is little to no risk involved in doing this. keep in mind that i've also sent the following information to a few major pokemon webmasters (serebbi, pokebeach) but i assume they are skeptical. i know people love them some spoilers, so i'm just here to provide :p
mind you, being a translator, i never actually played the game, so i only picked up some interesting snippets from pokedex/npc/move dialoque. please enjoy, and if you hate spoilers, turn away now!
Trendeer: A pink bipedal deer-looking pokemon that highly resembles a typical supermodel in french media. it has a fluffy white "skirt" and cuffs and long white poofed-up hair. reminds me of lopbunny a bit. probably normal-type
Poufelle: the poodle pokemon. famous for its sweet smell. probably normal or fairy-type. don't know much else about this one, sorry